She Said No … And I Listened (Poem)
She is two years old
And of course (as they say)
“No” is her favorite word
“I’ll just put your stuffies right here”
“You can take turns with the toy”
“Do you want some banana moon slices?”
“Let’s get some clothes on you”
No is always the first word
Never yes
(Everyone knows this, somehow)
Perhaps because yes doesn’t need to be said
Yes is we are one, together, of a mind
But no is I am not you and you are not me
Yes is the unspoken beginning of experience
The unity of creation
No is the fall from grace
But no is a revelation
She is two years old
And sleeping now.
The stress of absorbing her no and no and no today
Is faded as I watch her unconscious angel face
And I bless her nos
And pray that they never stop
Because I have seen the silencing of no
And I wish her to always stand fierce against it
And in time, she will learn the power
Of maybe, of just a little, of let’s talk about it
But these must be built on the foundation of no
Lest the self crumble beneath them
Hold fast to your self, my little one
If angels must fall
We must simply be there to catch them