Sometimes, yes. In this case, the author chose to publish her reflections on the internet so I assumed she was not feeling so extremely fragile about the situation that even a gently stated slight difference of opinion offered in (what I hoped would be interpreted as) a supportive way would cause some sort of trauma. One of the reasons I thought I should comment is that I hoped if I spoke for people who are a perhaps a bit more skeptical but in a way that is very respectful it might serve as a good example and discourage more people from making very rudely skeptical comments (as I saw someone else had done). The thought, "Maybe I shouldn't say anything because she's grieving" did indeed cross my mind but I decided it was better to say something. I was grateful to see Ms. Keller's gracious response of clapping for my comment. She seems like a very gracious lady, and I appreciate that, if I may say so.
Now that I think of it, I should have expressed my condolences in my initial comment and I am sorry I did not think of that.